May 30, 2019
Access to superannuation prior to retirement may be allowed in circumstances where an individual is considered to be in severe financial hardship or there are strong compassionate grounds for early release. In order to access superannuation through severe financial...
Feb 28, 2019
There is nothing under the Superannuation law that prevents an SMSF from providing host services such as Airbnb. However, an SMSF trustee needs to watch out for some pitfalls when using a property owned by an SMSF as an Airbnb. 1. Investment strategy The trustee...
Jan 21, 2019
With the introduction of the transfer balance cap (currently $1.6 million in 2017/2018), superannuation funds are only able to claim income tax exemptions on assets that are supporting income streams in the retirement phase. Since 1 July 2017, there are now two types...
Dec 17, 2018
Charities and not-for-profits are created with a specific purpose in mind. These organisations use their funding to advance their purpose, which benefit millions of lives daily. Like any other entity, running these charities results in inevitable costs. These costs...
Nov 28, 2018
Investing in gold I am often asked by self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) members if their superannuation fund can invest in gold? When an SMSF member is considering investing in gold or other precious metals, they need to consider whether the investment could...
Nov 5, 2018
From 1 July 2017, a limit came into effect on the total amount a superannuation fund member can transfer into retirement phase across all of their superannuation funds. The limit is referred to as the ‘transfer balance cap’ (TBC) and is currently $1.6...